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Survey engineering company "GeoGIS"

The main thing in the work of a survey organization is to feel the full extent of its responsibility.
Only qualitatively conducted surveys can serve as a reliable basis for all subsequent stages of design and construction, up to the final project commissioning.
Pivivarov Dmitriy
chief geologist "GeoGIS" LLC

Nowadays civil engineering firms in Moscow are set up not only by consummate professionals in engineering survey, but also by “amateurs”. This article is concerned with such organizations, what they specialize in and who can be entrusted with conducting high-quality survey.

What do civil engineering companies study?

Engineering and surveying companies in Russia carry out a wide variety of activities aimed at investigating the terrain parameters. The main objectives of engineers are to explore the soil texture on the site, conduct geodetic survey to study the lie of the ground, analyze the state of the ecological environment on the site. Engineering and surveying companies perform a wide range of services. It may even be the resolution of a dispute between neighbors as for the property boundaries of the sites, data transfer of the designing on the site or the study of the bottom of a reservoir for the construction of hydraulic structures.

The problem solving of geodetic tasks on the site is the most demanded service. We study the lie of the ground, create geodetic plans, which are used for building designing, control building and construction, consider the cubic capacity of non-coherent materials, transfer data of the designing on the site, conduct a search for communication lines and put their location on the plans.

Geological survey is usually ordered before the building designing begins. The objective of geological survey is to study the soil texture and technically substantiate the possibility of site development. Besides the building and construction, our survey is in demand when reconstructing buildings and investigating the processes that result in the decay of a building. Geological survey is conducted in different situations. For example, when we study hydrogeology of the site and help the client choose the best location for the well.

It is not recommended to cut down expenses and disregard survey.

If land surveying firms work without SRO license and engineers are not certified, the cooperation may turn out to be a waste of time and money.

What is the survey cost in Moscow?

The survey cost is not an easy question. First of all, it depends on the type of the survey (geodetic, geological, ecological). Each type of the survey is carried out according to individual methods, and allows solving a specific range of problems. Also, the price is influenced by the specifics of your order, which is always unique.

To calculate the cost, we consider:

Some topographical survey companies in Russia calculate the cost of fuel to get to the client. The cost in “GeoGIS” does not depend on the location of the client’s site.

If you are doubtful about the organization, monitor the site engineering surveys. It is possible to become familiarized with reviews, prices, range of services, licenses and certificates of the company. However, the best thing is to contact us immediately and get qualitative result.

Why do clients choose ‘GeoGIS’?

We have been providing engineering survey services for the last 12 years. There are no impossible objectives for us. The working staff of the company includes experienced engineers, fully equipped with modern equipment.

We provide only reliable data in the reports, and if necessary, we help to coordinate the documentation in controlling agencies.

If you order our services, you will get:

It is easier to order our services than to monitor civil engineering companies and choose the proper specialists. We guarantee you the quality and efficiency of the survey. Call us to order a service or find out the details of cooperation with us.

over the past year we conducted surveys:
of exploration wells
of land


Our specialists will be happy to answer all your questions:
  • help in the preparation of technical specifications;
  • calculate the cost of surveys;
  • tell about the timing of work.
Quickly and Free!
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